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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Totally Trivial Tuesday

Question: 15 percent of married people have a secret one of these that they keep hidden from their spouses. Answer: bank account, according to a 2011 National Endowment for Financial Education/Forbes study.

Question: This article of clothing was selected by a recent fashion survey as one thing women should not wear. What is it? Answer: Overalls!

Question: 3 out of 4 parents say this is the most stressful part of their day. What? Answer: Getting the kids to and from school!

Question: The Bodyguard is the biggest-selling Soundtrack of All-Time - what is #2

1. The Bodygaurd
2. Saturday Night Fever
3. Purple Rain
4. Dirty Dancing
5. Titanic
6. Lion King
7. Footloose
8. Top gun
9. Grease
10. Waiting to exhale

Question: A new survey says that 90% of Women would rather have their man do "this", rather than of bringing them flowers. What is it? Answer: Cook for them!

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