Question- According to a new survey, this is the Number 1 reason Women don't like to Exercise. What is it?
Answer- They don't want to mess up their Hair
What State in the State has the most porn watchers?
Answer: D.C. – 14.18 videos per person
(Maryland – 6.67 videos per person,Connecticut – 7.03 videos per person
New Hampshire – 7.06 videos per person, New Jersey – 7.21 videos per person
Rhode Island – 7.28 videos per person, New York – 7.50 videos per person
Massachusetts – 7.52 videos per person, Hawaii – 7.57 videos per person)
Question- According to a new survey, this Female Profession inspires more Fantasies by Men than any other. What job is it?
Answer- Flight Attendant/Airline Stewardess
Question- Just about everyone uses this, but Americans use the most... Americans use 3 times as much of this, compared to people in any other Country. What is it?
Answer- Toilet Paper
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