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Thursday, May 2, 2013


"Glee" star MARK SALLING is firing back at the woman who accused him of raw-dogging her without consent -- filing new legal docs against the former Playboy model claiming she broke onto his property, beat him up and scratched his car.

Roxanne Gorzela -- who also works as a DJ Sued Mark in January for sexual battery, claiming they hooked up in March 2011 and Mark forced himself on her without a condom. Roxanne said she was down for sex, but only with protection.

Roxanne said she went back to Mark's house March 15th to confront him ... and found him in bed with another woman. Gorzela says she demanded proof he had no STDs -- and he attacked her, pushing her to the ground.

Now, Mark has filed a countersuit ... in which he tells a VERY different story.

In the docs, filed in L.A. County Superior Court and obtained by TMZ ... Salling says Roxanne barged into his house without permission, yelling uncontrollably and hitting him on the chest, arms, and face.

But it gets worse ... Salling claims Roxanne eventually ran out of the home and turned her wrath on his car -- using various items from her purse to scratch it up, causing "substantial" damage.

Mark is suing for trespassing, and assault and battery ... and demanding unspecified damages.

Unless the two can settle their differences soon, they'll be headed for court -- where a jury will ultimately decide their fates.

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